Sand through the Hourglass

* blows dust off desktop *

Hi again everyone. It’s been a minute and a half since I wrote here, but this has been percolating in my head for a couple of weeks.

2023 was a series of milestones for me. First of all: I turned 40! If we’re lucky it happens to all of us. I’m grateful that my knees/back don’t hurt like some friends my age. This is doubly impressive when you take into account that for the better part of two decades, I have spent my winters doing foolish things on a mountain. Sure it’s not like a couple of warning lights aren’t fading into view, but now I just take them as friendly reminders to drink water and stretch. Moreover, I don’t look like a 40 year old - a friend of my girlfriend’s thought I was turning 30. (She is my favourite of her friends and that is unrelated).

Secondly: 20 years of bartending! That, I think, is the one that is most impressive to me. Anyone you speak to that has done this for any lengthy stretch will have inevitably moved on to something else - management, industry rep, or real estate spring immediately to mind. Thankfully, I still enjoy doing it, although I will admit that I feel like an old man with every new crop of hires… the high school drama is great for daily entertainment (who needs television!) but you couldn’t pay me to go to a nightclub with these babies.

Finally, and kind of the reason for this update: this Friday will be my 18th Whistler birthday. My inner child will officially be a man. So what better way to commemorate it than to go out into the world?

I’m leaving Whistler.

Aforementioned girlfriend and I are moving in together next month. The rent is somehow very reasonable for the location (Vancouver is hella pricy for a place where it always fucking rains).

So! A party is in order. Because the 20th is my friend’s actual birthday (and I don’t know how to go hard on a Friday night anymore) I’d like to see some people Sunday afternoon. Nothing wild, Stinkys to Handlebar to Fitz to bed if I’m honest. I can’t drink all day and have a good night’s sleep anymore. (Apres sucks now.) Plus a lot of my friends have grown up jobs now so their curfew will stop things from going off the rails (I hope).

I hope to see you there. Stinky's for 2ish and we’ll go from there.

Bring stories.

Hooray! Stress!

Cold November Rain

Cold November Rain