Notes From the Wood

I am aimlessly scrolling through my phone. Watching videos without sound becaus me I left my headphones at home. I must be drinking my beer because it slowly descends to the bottom of the glass. I realize I’m stuck in the phone. I look up. A man is sitting at a nearby table. I know him, and don’t know him at the same time. 

10 years ago, this man came to my restaurant. He ordered a latte and a fresh squeezed orange juice with his breakfast. The next day, the same order. And again a third day. I didn’t work for a couple of days after that, and he must have gone home.

9 years ago, the same man walked into my restaurant - only my restaurant is a different one than last year. I bring his order over alongside the breakfast menu. Something about him is memorable, so I already know what he needs.

He tipped me 50 dollars that day and said thank you for the warm welcome back.

I know him without knowing him.

Baby Steps/The New New Normal

Baby Steps/The New New Normal

30 Days + 3 Seconds